A word from the league president...
Central Alabama Youth Football League (CAYFL) is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to teach competitive skills in the sport of football and cheering while continuously promoting good sportsmanship to our youth. We have 5 teams in our league from Montgomery and the surrounding area. Our players and cheerleaders consist of ages 5 -12.
The CAYFL Executive Board Members would like to thank our returning leagues, the Montgomery Dolphins, Montgomery Falcons, Montgomery Elite, Montgomery Wildcats, Montgomery Broncos.
The CAYFL is a valued youth football and cheerleading organization that has been established for more than 35 years. It is indeed both an honor and a privilege to serve as the President of the Central Alabama Youth Football League. As we begin this season pray for this organization, participate as often as you can, and let's enjoy the positive impact the CAYFL will have on all involved.
I would like to extend my services to all who have any concerns about any part of the organization. Please feel free to call Tiffany St. Julien (1st Vice President) (334) 202-5889 or Monntae Brazell (334) 312-3955 (2nd Vice President). Thank you for your participation, cooperation and continued support.
Herbert Wheat. (CAYFL President)

CAYFL Documents/Forms
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President - Herbert Wheat
1st Vice President - Tiffany St.Julien
2nd Vice President - Cortez Courtland
Secretary - Tiffany St. Julien
Treasurer - Patricia Dean
Cheer Coordinator - Christi Blackmon
Player Agent - Montae Brazil
Player Agent - Kenneth Brown
Executive Director - Elton Dean
Directors of Development and
Webmaster/Media - Renee Brumby
2021 All rights reserved. CAYFL